Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gay Marriage and the Bible

I am tired of people giving Christianity a bad name.
I am tired of the Bible being used as an excuse for ignorance.
I am tired of my Lord and Savior taking the blame for people's hate.

Today I was watching the Tyra Show (don't judge.) and the whole episode was about gay rights, gay marriage being the main topic. So, naturally, there were views from both sides and many guests insisted that same sex marriage is wrong because of what it says in the Bible. They said that gays had no right to get married because homosexuals had made the CHOICE to be the way they are, and that they were "mentally unstable", and that they lived lives of sadness and despair simply because they were gay.

The Christians said that in the Bible, being gay is wrong.

But doesn't it also say in the Bible that we are to love one another as we love ourselves?

Doesn't it say in the Bible that we have absolutely no right to judge anyone else because not one of us has lived a sinless life?

What right do we have to tell someone that they do not have the right to get married? What right do we have to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their body? We don't have that right. God gave us free will for a reason and He gave us the Bible for a reason. The Bible is not meant to be used to judge and discriminate against one another. It is to be used as guidance FOR OURSELVES, to attribute to our own lives; not to try and control everyone elses.

I just don't understand how someone can sit in church or read the Bible and only take parts and pieces away from it and ignore the rest. I feel like Christians are considered the most judgmental people there are and yet our religion is based solely upon love and acception.

Did you forget the part where Jesus says "Live in harmony, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble"?

As Christians, we are not supposed to sit on a high horse and point the finger and believe we are righteous. What righteousness is there in discrimination and hate? Who are we to tell others how to live because of what we read in the Bible when we ourselves are not even living the way God has asked?

As Christians we have been asked to help one another, to love one another, not to discriminate and ridicule and assume superiority because of our beliefs. We are no better than anyone else. In admitting that you are a Christian and seeking God you are admitting that you are a sinner and need guidance just as much as everyone else.

All I am asking is that before you call yourself a Christian, you stop and think about what God has asked you to do. He has asked us to love, above all, and to take one anothers burdens as if they were our own, and to help one another without condition.
That's the basis of what we believe in, and if you're going to forsake that, maybe some self- reflection is in order.

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